Elektronička pisma na engleskom treba započeti s „Dear Sir“ ili „Dear Madam“. Ukoliko znate ime osobe kojoj pišete pismo počnite s „Dear Mr/Mrs“. Prilikom oblikovanja pisma koristite jednostruki prored s dvostrukim razmacima između pojedinih odlomaka. Rečenice moraju biti kratke i jasne, ideje složene u, dvostrukim razmacima, odvojenim odlomcima.
Ukoliko ste pismo započeli s Dear Mr/Mrs tada ga završite s „Yours sincerely“. Ukoliko ste ga započeli s Dear Sir/Madam završite ga s „Yours faitfully“.
Većinu službenih mailova započet ćemo: “I am writing in relation to…” ukoliko se prvi put obraćamo nekome.
U zemljama poput Amerike, Engleske i Australije službeni mail može se započeti s: “Hi John” za razliku od ostatka Europe gdje se mora koristiti titula.
Znamo li da je žena kojoj se obraćamo udana koristit ćemo Mrs, inače koristimo Ms.
Neke pogreške koje se javljaju prilikom pisanja elektroničkog pisma na engleskom.
Hi John,
I’am writing to confirm the details of my next week. My machine arrives at 10.20 a.m. on Monday – if it starts on time for a change! (Do you remember the last time I came to the fabric? I think I was six hours late.) I leave the next day at 7.45 p.m.
I’ve made a date with Paula from marketing for 2 p.m. on Tuesday. Is that OK with you?
By the way, I’ll bringing a number of prospects on office property in the Brighton area, as we really need to make a decision on this. The three buildings I like best all look very representative. We’d like to know what you mean of them, too. Our negotiations with the owners have reached a pretty advanced stadium and we’d like to close the deal by the end of next week.
Just one more thing: I was slightly irritated by the actual figures you sent me yesterday. They seemed much higher than the ones in the protocol from the last meeting. Could you check the number again and let me know today if they are correct? I have to leave early, but you can reach me any time on my handy.
All the best
Robert Brown
Machine plane – flight
Starts – takes off
Fabric – factory plant
A date – an appointment
Prospects – brochures
Representative – grand
Mean – think
Stadium – stage
Irritated – confused
Actual – current
Protocol – minutes
Handy – mobile phone (cell phone).
U ponudi naše tvrtke su i SPECIJALIZIRANI TEČAJEVI POSLOVNOG ENGLESKOG jezika (TEČAJ POSLOVNOG ENGLESKOG (30 školskih sati) te jednodnevne radionice: 2 DAY BUSINESS ENGLISH, Short Course – How to Write Effective Business Emails, Short Course – Interview) koje održava izvorni govornik engleskog jezika. Mjesto održavanja: Zagreb, Radnička cesta 27. Za više informacija o tečajevima i terminima održavanja poslovnog engleskog stojimo na raspolaganju:
Ivan Plavec, Voditelj edukacija
Magistar komunikologije
U W Sydney
Tel.: +385 (0) 1 33 98 236
Mob.: +385 (0) 99 87 38 986
Email: ivan@pavuna.hr